Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chapter 2 Walk-Through

|| 2) CHAPTER 2 ||

                ||              The Pulse fal'Cie             ||
                ||             Lowerworld Vestige             ||
Characters: Hope, Vanille                       The Pulse Vestige - Sacrarium
Items                         Enemies
[30] Gil                      [E004] Pantheron (375)
 [4] Potion                   [E009] Zwerg Scandroid (57)
 [1] Iron Bangle              [E008] Myrmidon (1260)
 [2] Potion (B)               [E010] Ghoul (330)
 [1] Phoenix Down (B)         [E011] Ghast (900)
 [1] Gladius (W)              [E012] Wight (270)
 [2] Potion (B)               [E013] (B)Anima (3300)
 [1] Fortisol (S)             [E014] (B)Right Manipulator (300) 
[100] Gil                     [E015] (B)Left Manipulator (300)
 [1] Power Wristband (A)
 [5] Potion (B)
New Shop: B&W Outfitters
<> Iron Bangle
[-] Pantheron
Vanille and Hope in their first battle. Basically the same as the others at the
There's a Save Station hidden in one of the niches ahead. Go on into the
room which is behind your starting point. 
Treasure: 30 Gil.
It also has the crashed bike in it. Then go back to the area with the save
Station and go up the stairs. Go left, and another left.
[-] Pantheron
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x3
Treasure: Potions x4
On the right of the stairs is:
[-] Pantheron x2
Go back down the left stairs, a Datalog Tip comes up about pre-emptive
strikes. There is another treasure next to:
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x3
Treasure: Iron Bangle
Jump over the wreckage on the right of the broken hoverbike.
[-] Pantheron x2
Take a right towards the (!).
Characters: Snow                          The Pulse Vestige - House of Stairs
Turn around.
Treasure: Potion x2
Go down past the Save Station.
[-] Pantheron x2
Your objective should be right ahead.
Characters: Lightning, Sazh                    The Pulse Vestige - Ambulatory
You'll get an Datalog Tip about shrouds. Basically these give you an advantage
in battle if you use them beforehand. Instead of using them from the menu, you
press L1/LB while in the field, it then gives you a little menu in which you
can choose which shrouds you want to use.
Up ahead is a Save Station.
[-] Pantheron x3
[-] Pantheron x2
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x4 left
Treasure: Phoenix Down
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x3 right
[-] Myrmidon
Use the same strategy as before with the Myrmidon.
[-] Pantheron, Zwerg Scandroid x2
Treasure: Gladius, weapon for Lightning.
[-] Pantheron, Myrmidon
Characters: Snow                          The Pulse Vestige - House of Stairs
Turn around.
Treasure: Potions x2
Follow the path.
[-] Pantheron, Zwerg Scandroid x2
Next, just press the switch in the middle of the circle area and jump on the
platform that appears.
Characters: Vanille, Hope                       The Pulse Vestige - Sacrarium
And back with the kids. 
[-] Zwerg Scandroid x2
Go up the stairs and to the right. If you go straight instead you'll end up 
where you started in the beginning of the chapter. Left is the way out.
Zwerg Scandroid x4
Treasure: Fortisol
Turn around and go for the exit.
[-] Pantheron x2
Characters: Vanille, Hope                      The Pulse Vestige - Oblatorium
Save Station in this next area.
[-] Pantheron x2
Treasure: 100 Gil
Snow enters the party right in time for some scary looking enemies
[-] Ghoul x3
Characters: Lightning, Sazh                    The Pulse Vestige - Ambulatory
Treasure: Power Wristband, left of the stairs.
[-] Ghoul x2
Now go up the stairs.
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul x2
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul x2
That's a lot of battles with Ghouls. It'll give you some items, but other than
that, just battle practise. If you can do without, I suggest just running past
them. They are only slow undead zombies. However you decide to proceed, you
cannot avoid the fight with the Ghast.
[-] Ghast
Save Station up ahead. and a new area
Characters: Lightning, Sazh                          The Pulse Vestige - Nave
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghoul
[-] Ghast x2
Use a potion when the Ghast casts Fire, because you won't survive the second
time they do.
Characters: Lightning, Sazh                The Pulse Vestige - Anima's Throne
Head towards the (!) and watch the nice cut scene. Snow now joins your party.
[-] Ghast
[-] Ghoul, Wight
[-] Ghast, Wight
Treasure: Potions x5
On the right you find a save Station
Then go into the dark corridor.
[-] (B)Anima, Right Manipulator, Left Manipulator
Attack the arms first, because they hit you before you get a chance to damage
the body of this enemy. They re-spawn after a while so be careful of that.
Just beat the arms again when they return. In between attack the body and you
should be fine. It doesn't take too long before the enemy goes down.
Don't forget to use potions when needed, because you will need them.
As always when a chapter ends, you get the option to save. Twice.

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